Privacy Policy
JBC SOLDERING SL and its wholly owned American subsidiary JBC Tools USA Inc., and other affiliates, hereinafter collectively referred to as JBC, provide services through this website, www.jbctools.com, including possibly the collection of private, personal information, and data, subject to JBC´s Privacy Policy as follows.
In accordance with Data Protection Act, JBC maintains a policy of confidentiality of data provided by all users, contacts, customers, etc., pledging to protect them. This protection is extended to the collection and use of information provided over the Internet.
JBC guarantees, in the terms established in Law applicable in each case for JBC SOLDERING SL and JBC TOOLS USA INC. and other affiliates, that your personal information will be treated confidentially and that the server where it will be stored and processed has the necessary security measures to prevent access to them by unauthorized third parties.
The types of personal information we collect can include: Name, address, phone number and email address. We can also request credit and financial information.
JBC ensures that technical and organizational security measures are adopted in its facilities, systems and files, in accordance with legal provisions in force. Nevertheless, JBC may disclose to the public authorities personal data and any other information in its possession when they are required in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to each case.
The collection of your personal data is produced for the following purposes:
– (i) To provide information or services to which you have access through our Portal
– (ii) Commercial and advertising through any means (electronic or not)
– (iii) Surveys, statistics and analysis of market trends.
If the service requested has to be provided by any distributor or representative in your territory, your data will be transferred to the distributor or representative for the said purpose.
If you give us your consent, by ticking the acceptance box, your information may be used, in addition, so that we can contact you, including via the Internet for the purpose (ii) and (iii).
JBC doesn´t transfer, share or sell your personal information with the exception that JBC Tools USA Inc. shares information with its parent company JBC SOLDERING SL to fulfill with purposes (i), (ii) and (iii) and vice-versa, and JBC may also share certain private information and data with its distributors and representatives in your territory, for the purpose of servicing your account or providing you information regarding JBC products and other services.
You are entitled to exercise rights of access to your private information, provide us corrections to your private information, or otherwise contact us regarding your Privacy Policy our your private information by sending an email at jbctools@jbctools.com. You may also unsubscribe from any of JBC´s commercial solicitations Via email to: unsubscribe@jbctools.com.
The confidentiality and security are core values of JBC SOLDERING, S.L. and we therefore undertake to ensure the User’s privacy at all times and not to gather any unnecessary information. Below we provide all the information necessary regarding our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data collected, explaining:
– Who is the processor of your data.
– The purpose for which we gather the data requested.
– What is the legitimisation for their processing.
– The length of time we store the data.
– Who your data are assigned to.
– What your rights are.
• Jbc Soldering, S.L. (B65356172)
• C/ Ramón i cajal 3, 08750 –Molins de rei (Spain).
• Telephone no: 93 325 32 00
• Email address: info@jbctools.com.
4. Contact form
Purpose: To answer your requests for information about JBC products or suggestions, doubts, queries or requests and to send you information on our products, services and activities via digital media (Email, SMS, WhatsApp), if you check the acceptance box.
Legitimisation: The user’s consent when requesting information via our contact form and checking the acceptance box for the sending of commercial communications.
Storage: Until resolution of your request or email query, if no new processing has been generated and, if applicable, until you request to unsubscribe from further commercial information.
A. Sending emails to info@jbctools.com.
Purpose: To answer your requests for information or suggestions and deal you’re your doubts and queries regarding our service or products.
Legitimisation: The user’s consent when requesting information via our email address.
Storage: Once your email request has been answered, if no new processing has been generated.
B. Sending of your Resume by email or via the contact form.
Purpose: To have your Resume to take part in our staff selection processes.
Legitimisation: The user’s consent when sending us their personal information and curriculum for our personnel selection processes.
Storage: Throughout the staff selection processes in progress and during 1 year for future processes.
C. Subscription to our Newsletter
Purpose: To send out our newsletter, information and advertising for our products, discounts or brand events including by digital media (Email, SMS, WhatsApp).
Legitimisation: The user’s consent when subscribing to your newsletter.
Storage: Until the interested party revokes their consent and requests being unsubscribed from the service.
D. User Registration
Purposes: a. To process and manage your registration as a registered user. The purpose of registration is to facilitate your future purchases by storing your data and keeping you informed about our products, offers, discounts and exclusive events, including by digital media (Email, SMS, WhatsApp).
Legitimisation: a. User consent when registering as a user of JBC.
Storage: a. Until such time as you de-register as a JBC user and provided there is no other process in progress, for example a purchase; and once de-registered during the legally obligatory storage period to attend to potential liabilities, if applicable. Once the user has de-registered as a JBC user, we shall send no further commercial information.
E. Purchasing Process with or without registration
Purposes: a. To process and handle the delivery of your order, payment and related administrative tasks. b. To send you information concerning our products, offers, discounts and events via digital media (Email, SMS, WhatsApp) if you have subscribed as a user or expressly accepted their reception.
Legitimisation: a. Execution of the product sale contract. B. When no subscribed as a user, your consent to receive commercial information.
Storage: a. While the contractual relation is in effect and thereafter during the legally required storage times to attend to any potential liabilities.
b. Until such time as you exercise your right to oppose the sending of commercial information or unregister as a user of JBC.
Obligation to provide your personal data and the consequences for a failure to do so.
The supply of personal data requires a minimum age of 13 years, or, if applicable, sufficient legal capacity to enter into a contract.
The personal data requested are necessary to manage your requests and failure to do so signifies we cannot attend to your correctly or fulfil the purposes described above.
Your data are confidential and will not be transferred to third parties unless legally required.
When consent is the basis for the data processing, it shall be revocable at all times and under no circumstance may withdrawal of consent condition the execution of the contracts or relations arising previously.
You may also exercise the following rights:
Request access to your personal data or rectification of same when inaccurate.
Request their deletion when, amongst other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were governed.
Request the limitation of processing in certain circumstances.
Request opposition to the processing of your data due to your particular situation.
Request data portability when so provided in law.
Other rights recognised in applicable law.
Where and how to exercise your Rights: By writing to the Data Controller (indicated at the beginning of the privacy policy) with the reference “Personal Data” or similar and indicating the right to be exercised and with regard to which processing at the postal or electronic address shown in section 1: C/ Ramón I cajal 3-08750 Molins or info@jbctools.com In the event of any dispute with the company with regard to the processing of your data you may lodge a claim before the Data Protection Authority (www.agpd.es).
Cookies are short files that are sent to and stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer via its browser when it is connected to a website. Cookies can be used to gather and store the user´s data while they are connected to provide the services requested and are not usually conserved (Session Cookies), or to store the user’s data for another type of future service in which case it may be stored for an indefinite period of time (Persistent Cookies). Cookies may be our own or third party.
There are various types of cookies:
• Technical cookies which facilitate the user’s browsing session and the use of the different options or services the website offers such as identifying the session, enabling access to certain areas, simplifying orders, purchases, completion of forms, entries, security, providing functionalities (videos, social networks…).
• Personalisation cookies which allow the user to access the services in keeping with their preferences (language, browser, configuration…).
• Analysis cookies which allow anonymous analysis of the website user’s behaviour and to measure the user’s activity and create browsing profiles to improve the website.
• Advertising cookies help to manage the advertising spaces of the website.
• Personalised advertising cookies which enable management of the advertising spaces on the website, based on the user’s behaviour and browsing habits, to create their profile and customise the advertising shown on the user’s browser.
JBC uses own and third-party technical, analysis and advertising cookies which at no time process data of a personal nature but gather browsing habits for statistical purposes, to show advertising relating to your preferences by analysing your personalised browsing habits and facilitating the browsing of our webpage.
For this reason, when entering our website, pursuant to article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services we request your consent to use same.
We inform you that you can activate or de-activate these cookies by following the instructions of your Internet browser.
Chrome: Configuration -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> content configuration.
Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Personalised Configuration.
Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Configuration.
Safari: Preferences -> Security.
Opera: Tools -> Preferences -> Edit preferences > Cookies
For more information you can read the Help section of your browser or the support pages:
Chrome: support.google.com
Firefox: support.mozilla.org
Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com
Safari: http://www.apple.com
Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/
In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the necessary measures of a technical and organisational nature to ensure the security of your personal data against alteration, loss and non-authorised processing and access.
It is important you inform us whenever there has been any modification so we may update your personal data; otherwise we cannot be liable for the accuracy of same.
We shall not be liable for the privacy policy regarding the personal data you may supply to third parties via the links on our webpage.
This privacy policy has been modified on 25/05/2018. We may modify these privacy conditions to adapt them to any modifications made to our website together with any legal or jurisprudential modifications regarding personal data which may appear, and you are therefore requested to read this policy every time you supply your data via this Website.
By placing this Webpage at the disposal of the user, we wish to offer a quality service by applying the maximum diligence to the provision of same and to the technological means used. However, we shall not be liable for the presence of virus or other elements that may damage the user’s computer system.
JBC does not warrant that the availability of the service be is continuous or uninterrupted due to circumstances originating as a result of Internet issues, breakdown of IT devices or other unforeseeable circumstances, such that the USER shall tolerate these circumstances within reasonable limits and expressly waives any claim against JBC for any liability for possible failures, errors or use of the service.
The USER accepts full liability for the use of our webpage and is solely liable for any direct or indirect effect on the webpage, including but not limited to any adverse economic, technical and/or judicial result together with the non-fulfilment of the expectations created by our portal, and the user undertakes to hold JBC harmless from any claims resulting directly or indirectly from said events.
Jbc soldering SL. does not warrant the accuracy, veracity or currency of the contents of this webpage, either its own or third parties or linkable to other websites and shall be held fully harmless from any liability arising from the use of same.
Jbc soldering SL. shall not be liable for any claim, including legal counsel fees, for any third-party actions or claims originated by third parties due to any breach by the USER of our conditions of use, access and privacy policy or any other claim for breach under current law.
The USER acknowledges that they have understood all the information relating to the conditions of use of our portal and that they are sufficient to exclude any error from same and therefore expressly accepts them in full.
The USER is fully aware that the mere browsing of this webpage and the use of its services implies acceptance of these conditions of use.
All matters relating to our webpage shall be governed by Spanish law. Should any type of discrepancy or dispute arise between the parties as to the interpretation and content of this webpage, all the parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction and submit to the Courts of Barcelona.
These General Conditions of Use were modified on 25/05/18. We may modify them at any time: please check the date of issue every time you connect to our Webpage so as to ensure no modification has been made that may affect you.
For any matters relating to the Conditions of our webpage, please contact us using the details at the indicated above.
JBC Soldering SL C/ Ramon y Cajal, 3 08750 Molins de Rei (Spain)
JBC Tools Usa Inc, 9296 Dielman Industrial Dr MO-63132 St Louis (Usa)